
The study aimed to collect good quality epidemiological and biological data from lung cancer patients with a family history of the disease or with early onset lung cancer.

Data collection included detailed questionnaires to elicit the family history, smoking history and occupational risk factors for lung cancer. Blood samples were taken for serum proteins, genomic and plasma DNA. Permission was sought to access tumour biopsy samples and to receive information about any new cancers reported or the cause of death of any participants from NHS Digital.

Patient cases and controls (their partners and first degree relatives) were invited to participate. This resource was available for detailed studies of inherited and acquired genetic changes, and proteomic analysis in lung cancer.

Large collaborative studies are very important in genetic epidemiology as the impact of genetic variants in different geographical areas and ethnicities can be examined. Cases and controls are required as the controls provide the baseline reference group for each population. Generally cases and controls are recruited in approximately equal numbers.

ReSoLuCENT follows a matched design where controls are recruited through the case. It was therefore important for each case to be matched with at least one control (ideally one related and one non-related) to get the maximum benefit of the resource.

Information from the Cancer Research UK website about ReSoLuCENT.
The Cancer Research UK site is a free information service about cancer and cancer care for people with cancer and their families.

ReSoLuCENT was run from the Cancer Clinical Trials Centre at Weston Park Hospital, Sheffield, UK.


The ReSoLuCENT study was initially funded by Sheffield Hospitals Charity and the extension was funded by the Weston Park Hospital Cancer Charity.

Sheffield ECMC funded staff have also provided support for the study.